
Last updated on 2025-03-13 on Matthew's Blog

About The Author

As you may already know by now, my name is Matthew Jorgensen. I live in St. Paul, MN. During the day I oversee a plethora of servers and systems. By night, I explore my hobbies to help keep me busy. Most notably, my hobbies include:

  • bicycling
  • camping
  • canoeing, kayaking, sailing
  • hiking
  • programming
  • photography
  • traveling
  • Linux systems administration; and,
  • software and web development

My fascination with computers, technology, and the Internet began at a very young age. I began playing around with HTML/CSS and eventually PHP just as MySpace was starting to fall out of style. The first CSS I wrote was to style forums. I didn’t start programming until about age 14. That’s when I started getting into PHP more until I found Python. My skill set has greatly grown since then. I’m currently employed as a “Web Developer/Systems Engineer” for a medical software company near Minneapolis, MN.

These days I’m capable of writing1: Python, C#, Go, Shell scripts, PowerShell, JavaScript; and a bit of the following: Ruby, Java, and PHP.

About This Site

This website is a jekyll blog. The server is hosted by prgmr.com. I use Namecheap to register my domains. A Makefile builds the site and deploys it to my web server. The code is licensed under the terms of the MIT license. The articles themselves are CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0.

If you’re at all interested in supporting my work, you can find me on Liberapay.

  1. Mostly in order of confidence. 

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Hi there!

I'm a systems administrator & engineer, front-end and back-end developer, and an IT guru in St. Paul, MN. It’s nice to meet you.